Friday, September 23, 2011

"Closing the Door on...."

A weekly staple of this blog will include short posts about things that I or my family have said, done, or been a part of that we will attempt, and I stress…ATTEMPT…not to repeat. Therefore we will take a stab at “Closing the Door On” certain slip-ups in judgment that we have been a part of.

In our first installment, ODP will Close the Door on “Status Hijacking”.

This past Labor Day, the phone belonging to a female friend of mine was left unattended – AND logged into Facebook.  At this point in the evening I had already exceeded my quota on the champagne of beers and posted this on her page

You know how I know were having sex tonight? I’m stronger than you are!

And if that wasn’t enough, an hour later, posted:

If I were that good at it, the only reason that I would keep my job is so I could afford the chap-stick.

She was slightly amused upon realizing what I had done – Until her mother called and assumed that it was her boyfriend that made the posts.

My bad…


  1. Found out some girl once referred to a friend's balls as "apple balls" - which is also now his unattended phone's Facebook status.
